Personally I would use Safari or Firefox over Chrome. You might want to reconsider using Chrome as your browser after reading these:
Mac veterans all know how great Startly’s QuicKeys was for Mac OS X, and QuicKey for Chrome is a little piece of that nostalgia. You’ll get an application switcher, real-time search,. Logitech m555b driver windows 7 32-bit.
Update Google Chrome on Mac 10.7 Lion From the end user point of new, the update offers full-screen support on Mac OS X Lion which is a huge plus for power users. Also, Chrome is streamlined with Lion’s overlay scrollbars. The update also includes Web Audio API that lets developers to add special audio effects without leaving the browser. Google updating Chrome for Lion multitouch. Apple's newest Mac OS X product changed some multitouch gestures, and the Chrome browser now is starting to catch up.

Google Chrome Listening In To Your Room Shows The Importance Of Privacy Defense In Depth.
Mac Os X Lion Download
Google is known to 'phone home' with users data as was found out with this new Google Photos service: Google Photos may be free — but there's still a cost.
Just some food for thought.

Chrome For Mac 10.7.5
Download Chrome For Mac 10.6.8
Otherwise you'll need to upgrade to El Capitan if your Mac is compatible with it and download the latest version of Chrome.
Mar 15, 2016 10:40 AM